Gifts of Personal Property

Donate personal property that will help us to continue and expand our mission while providing significant tax benefits to you.

Gift of Personal Property Diagram

How It Works

  • You transfer a valuable painting, antique, or other personal property to Shalem Institute.
  • Shalem may hold and display the property or use it in the furtherance of its mission.
  • Shalem may sell the property at some point in the future and use the proceeds for its mission.


  • You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the appraised value of your gift and pay no capital gains tax, so long as the gift can be used by Shalem to carry out its mission.
  • In certain cases, you can use personal property to fund a life-income gift that provides you and/or other loved ones with an income now and benefits Shalem in the future.
  • Without using cash, you can make a gift that is immediately beneficial to Shalem Institute.



Our mission is to nurture contemplative living and leadership.


Grounded in our understanding of God’s desire for peace, wholeness and well-being, we envision a world transformed by contemplative living and leadership in which all people honor one another and creation, recognize their unity and interconnectedness, and courageously seek to live out of this reality.
